About Joey

Joey Motsay has been the owner and operator of Positive Stress Workout and Sport Therapy since 1989, training people of all makes and models. Over the years, Joey has built a reputation for high quality specialization rotational sport training, metabolic fitness and corrective exercise. And dad jokes.

 Joey is an 88' graduate of the Guilford College Sports Medicine program where he played football and bartended his way through graduation. He's continued expanding his education and expertise through certification, most notably with the National Strength and Conditioning Association as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, FMS2 with Functional Movement Systems, Level 2 Titleist Performance Institute, the National Academy of Sports Medicine as a Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist, and Level 1 Certified with Precision Nutrition. Joey’s mission is to safely bring each client to a level of accomplishment and empowerment they could never have reached on their own.


A bit of a sweat addict himself, Joey has trained for everything from martial arts to Ironman's. Not one to waste his efforts, Joey prefers his training benefit someone other than just himself. To date, he's raised over $250,000 for charities by breaking the Guinness World Records for Longest Spin Bike Marathon (175 hours and 50 minutes), Longest Jump Rope Marathon (33 hours and 20 minutes), on his 50th birthday, the Farthest Car Push in 24 hours (50 miles) and on his 55th birthday, the longest Speedbag Marathon (55 hours).

Joey holds true to his greatest motivators: his faith in God, his beautiful wife Ashley, and their three lovely daughters. Raised near Ithaca, New York, by the best parents imaginable, Joey was encouraged to be humble and never fear hard work.